The Human Cost of Food Farmworkers' Lives, Labor, and Advocacy【電子書籍】

Finding fresh fruits and vegetables is as easy as going to the grocery store for most Americansーwhich makes it all too easy to forget that our food is cultivated, harvested, and packaged by farmworkers who labor for less pay, fewer benefits, and under more dangerous conditions than workers in almost any other sector of the U.S. economy. Seeking to end the public's ignorance and improve workers' living and working conditions, this book addresses the major factors that affect farmworkers' lives while offering practical strategies for action on farmworker issues.The contributors to this book are all farmworker advocatesーstudent and community activists and farmworkers themselves. Focusing on workers in the Southeast United States, a previously understudied region, they cover a range of issues, from labor organizing, to the rise of agribusiness, to current health, educational, and legal challenges faced by farmworkers. The authors blend coverage of each issue with practical suggestions for working with farmworkers and other advocates to achieve justice in our food system both regionally and nationally.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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